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European Future Label

About the business

Part of the EUSL Group | Care to Change the World


European Future Label is a European member organization to which more local organizations join. In Sweden, this refers to at least 21 associations from the European Social Label, ie at least one association from each county. Together with the members of these associations, the European Future Label develops labor market policy projects and programs, transnational projects and creates educations so that the participants or students become employable in the next step. The European Future Label also helps members apply for financial support through local regional associations, authorities and major EU grants. The goal of the business is to create an easy-to-understand and less bureaucratic platform for small businesses so that they can be more involved in a long-term community structure and create new, exciting business and collaborations without having to think about which country they are in. 

European Cooperative

The business is basically a European company form in the form of a European cooperative. The purpose is to promote transnational collaborations and members can be involved and decide on many issues. European Future Label is a democratically controlled activity according to the association model. The purpose of the business is to bring authorities and small businesses closer together so that they can start speaking the same language. Smaller companies rarely have the opportunity for the bureaucratic inertia that, above all, authorities and larger organizations have to use, and this is where the greatest benefit lies. Based on requests from members, educations can be adapted at local or cross-border level so that they suit the relevant target group and based on that, it will also be easier for an authority or municipality to participate.